Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I have had to excuse myself from a District Council meeting this week, on account of Christine is with me for a whole 5 days! Still bugs the bejeebers out of me when Michele allows her to fly into Durban on Monday, then flies her out - also from Durban, on Saturday! To my mind, that makes 5 days when she has arranged that Christine is with her for the remainder of her holidays!

Still, what does that make me, other than the sperm donor for Christine?

We went to a film in Durbans Gateway Mall. It was not my choice, but I did kind of enjoy it - Transformers - 3D. Boy was it loud and somewhat violent - and the 3D effect was amazing. It was what Christine chose. We would have seen the final instalment of the Harry Potter films, but that is only coming out next Friday. I generally dont go for her choice of films, but I have managed to buy a copy of each of the other 6 or so films in the Harry Potter series! Call me strange and you would hardly be alone!

It would be kind of a shame not to complete the set. I was lucky enough to purchase each of the Star Wars films. I am impressed that the concept of the Melchezidek Priesthood (LDS Church) is so well put forward, although the Science Fantasy setting is not everyones taste! Sure it is called "the Force" but what the "chosen ones" do with it, is kind of like the Priesthood in the Church, although it is kind of exaggerated. I understand that George Lucas is a Latter-day Saint, and can see what his inspiration was. I was introduced to the films by my Bishop friend, and bought the films on DVD as and when they were released.

We dropped in at a furniture outlet nearby, where I decided on a cane suite - 1 x 2 seater and 2 x 1 seaters. I am attempting to negotiate delivery soon. I am not one to go overboard on furniture, but it will not be a waste of money!

I have been lucky enough to locate some films that I heard of whilst I was still at school, so very long ago! Films like "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and "Little Shop of Horrors" as well as all (3) of the Monty Python films! True the humour is not everyones cup of tea (not that I drink tea!) but it suits me and I am so grateful that I have them in my collection.

I rather like the Disney films, in that they are very clean (no suggestive notes) and the humour is very clever. I bought a copy of the film "Gnomeo and Juliette" and almost from the start was killing myself laughing. The neighbors in dispute lived at "2B" and "2B (crossed out)" in the street. This sense of humour is just up my street, and is definitely not understandable by many people that I associate with! They laugh at slapstick, but try and get them to think and it is kind of a lost cause!

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