Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Are we "Changeing the Cimate?"

There is a documentary on DSTV at present that is talking about climate change! They talk of a "Big Chill" or Little Ice Age in the mit 1300s. They "think" that this caused absolute chaos, but have no idea why it occurred. For sure it was not CFCs or "environment damage" by cars. I have an idea that it is kind of s cyclical thing that happens every now and then and puny little man is not able to do ANYTHING to stop or reverse it! How then can Man think that in his ignorance, he is greater than our creator? That is dependant on which side of the fence you sit - creation or evolution? I know where I am comfortable sitting.

It appears that in the 1300s, ills were blamed on witchcraft and today they are blamed on "Climate Change!" Seems that anything is acceptable to blame downturns in environment on absurd ideas, rather than having faith in an omnipotent creator!

It kind of awes me that humanity can be so dense sometimes! There is a Fuel Delivery Tankers strike at present. The drivers are holding out for an increase of 13% as opposed to the offer of 10% - up from the 7%. I thoght negotiation was so that you met in the middle, not that one party holds out for demands and is not prepared to move! Sad thing is that the strikers are not being paid anything whilst they are on strike, so any offer HAS to be an improvement on nil income.

They are prepared to hold out for 13% irrespective of how much damage it does to the economy - or themselves personally! They canot see that increased costs HAVE to have an effect on the inflation rate! Zimbabwe found that it was not good to just print larger and larger denomination notes. They had to abandon a worthless currency - just like the Germans had to after the fall of Hitler, and their currency was valueless! Man refuses to learn from example! I often think that in the 1700s, Africa was well off in that wealth was counted in the number of cattle you owned, not so much in the numbers of Zeros on your bank account! Huge problem is that I have a bank account with a string of zeroes on the balance - but these unfortunately appear BEFORE the other numbers. My balance shows 0000004000, instead of 40000000000.

Such is life. The bible says "by the sweat of your brow" which means that we have to work for our money, and not just to strike and get it! Sad thing is that the workers on strike cannot see what damage they are doing to themselves, more than they are influencing their employers! Britain was a powerhouse economy before they were plagued by strikes! The average coal miner had so little education that he could not see beyond the rantings of the Union bosses. It is the same in South Africa - the Union Bosses get paid insane salaries, live in fancy homes and drive the latest executive cars, and if their union members have to go without income
(law says No work = no pay), it does not concern them one iota. They get paid obscene amounts irrespective!

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