Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sense of Humour

A friend recently sent me an SMS where she stated that she hoped that Heavenly Father has a sense of humour. I know (not just believe) that He does!

Why else would I have survived 4 or 5 near death experiences, or why would He create something like a Warthog (Pumbaa of Disneys Lion King fame) that is so ugly that it is cute? If we - as humans - have a sense of humour (warped as it may get sometimes!) and this MUST have come from somewhere. Looking around in the Game Reserve, you cannot but believe that this world was created by an incredible artist - with a real sense of humour - and was not some kind of cosmic accident. Sure "learned man" has tried to "explain" our existance by such wierd notions as "Big Bangs" and "evolution" as an explanation when they really dont know!

I have always felt uncomfortable with the idea that life was an "accident" after a "big bang" because I have seen what damage a tiny bang - from exploding hand grenades - is done. How much more devastating can an atomic explosion be? It is inconceivable then that an incredibly powerful bang can create life, rather than desolation! That just DOES NOT make any sense, and thinking about it, creation HAS to make more sense!

A common arguement as to "How can one being create an environment and all life" but I truly believe that before mortality, we helped to build where we live! That is why some of us feel so "at home" where we choose to live!

When my brother and I built a home, we "built" the home, with massive assistance from an architect first then from a builder. We did not actually pour concrete or pile bricks on top of each other, but we "built" the house!

At Church, the Quorum for the male adults - "Elders Quorum" - are busy with construction of a braai area - out the back next to the satellite dish! Then we can have braais of an evening where the Elders can socialise (with the families) and can develop unity - around a braai (barbeque for those who dont speak "pure" English!) that we created from sand, stone and cement! So far we have put in the foundations and cast the bricks. That was really a trial in faith for me, since I rather overdid my involvement, and I have only just recovered from the strain to my body Next week is when we get together and pile the bricks we made in a construction where we can set fire to firelighters, wood and charcoal brickettes, and barbeque the raw meat for a braai. I really want us to show a film at the same time, and have a social gathering.

I still think that it may be an idea for the Elders Quorum to organise a course where we all learn to do ballroom dancing! 2 weeks ago, I was invited to a wedding reception where the bride and groom married on the friday in the LDS Temple in Johannesburg (the Sealing Room holds maybe 10 people to witness the sealing!) so that friends could celebrate with the couple.

Their First Dance was technically a shuffle because they did not know ballroom dancing. I first learned to ballroom dance when I was in highschool. Then when I was engaged, my fiancee and I took lessons in Durban, so that when we had our First Dance, we did not just cling to each other and shuffle! I enjoyed both of my education stints, and can actually do Ballroom, and in fact my ex and I went to the Berg and took part in a weekend of competition, and WON a weekend in the hotel. I kind of feel that it was because I am disabled and because I tried. I have to acknowlege that I really had fun in learning to ballroom dance - even if I am no longer so able to move so freely.

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