These are Eucalyptus Saligna gum trees, originally from Australia. You cut them down and new shoots spring up from the stumps. Not much will kill them, so they are - by definition - weeds, that the farmers make a killing out of! They dont even have to farm much! Once the trees are in, they grow for 7 years, then are cut down and new trunks grow from the stumps.
They are foreign imports, so it is questionable whether they are invasive plants! There was recently a huge push to eradicate invasive foreign plants, but these are overlooked - as is sugarcane! Shows that the power of money speaks way louder than sympathies for exotic plants!

Driving from Church, I was in Esikhawini. I had been to Port Durnford to get the Audit forms signed by the Branch President, but at starting time he was no-where to be seen. Usually when I arrive, he is there, waiting! I had SMSd him saying that I would be there to discuss the audit with him, but a phonecall - at start time - determined that he was in Durban, and the Elder from the Senior Missionaries was supposed to stand in for him. About 30 seconds later, he arrived and things swung into action.
When I left, I noted that work had been done patching the potholes in the road. only to see that in places, the new tar is already - a week later - breaking up! I know that there is a push to create employment, but I query if it is working if the jobs created to fill in potholes, that are in need of further repair!
I would swear that in the rainy weather (it rains pretty well ALL year round) the potholes fill up with water, and I seriously think that in some of them, crocodiles - or hippos - take up residence!
It is apparent from the above sign that potholes are nothing new in Esikhawini, with permanent signs warning that potholes are not unexpected! Still it keeps someone employed - full time!
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