Friday, March 11, 2011


For a while now, I have been aware that a tree outside my bedroom window needed cutting down. My neighbor undertook to assist me in tidying up my garden. In Kwa Zulu Natal, everything grows like WEEDS, including - youve guessed it - weeds!

The garden assistant, was given a panga (rough knife used to slash your way through the undergrowth) and set free in my rear garden. He was told to, and I quote, "tidy the tree" so that I could employ a garden services to remove it! About 20 minutes later there was a crash of something falling, and lo and behold, he had slashed the entire tree down with his panga. I would have struggled even with a tree saw. Needless to say, the R 100 paid to him to assist in clearing away the overgrowth, has saved me at least R 3 000 in employing a tree cutter! There are painfully few gaden assistants, who earn R 100 a day! I know that the more racialistic members of South African society say, "Give a black anything and he will destroy it - totally" Generally, the most unroadworthy cars on the roads are owned by such as Garden Assistants!
It turns out that this was today, a good thing, in that a tree that I thought would be a huge problem, was removed - in error?

I had employed him about 2 weeks ago to clear away the rubbish that had built up in my garage, so now my garden looks great! I freely admit that working in the garden recently has scared me, ever since I disturbed a hive of bees, and was stung enough to be in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital in Empangeni for 4 days!

I was never allergic to bee stings before, but since being over stimulated, I am highly allergic to bee venom now! Turns out that my blood converted the venom into anti venom. If I am stung again, this anti venom will swing into action, just as if I had been stung again by thousands of bees! I am highly allergic to myself! What sort of a kick-in-the-teeth is that? One bee sting will put me back in the ICU unit of hospital!

Someone told me at Church, that since I am highly allergic to bee venom, I am most likely, now allergic to shell fish too. I refuse to risk an emergency trip to the ICU unit, just to find out if I AM allergic to the likes of Prawns, now! Christine is scared that I am allergic to garlic snails, but thank heavens, snails are garden creatures, not shell fish! I LIKE garlic snails as a starter for a meal.

I can live without the taste of Prawns, Lobster, Cray Fish and the likes. Is it worth an emergency trip to ICU just to see if this theory is true or not?

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