Friday, March 25, 2011


Every time I log in to update my blog, I find that there have been "hits" from all over the world - literally! Some are repeat hits, and that means that some of what I blog is of interest to some people out there in cyberspace.

It makes me realise that this globe we inhabit is in fact, tiny! This was brought home to me in 1998, when I managed to get to visit Salt Lake City to attend General Conferene - the last time it was held in the old Tabernacle. True the benches were hard and close together, but to sit and listen to the words of a Prophet of God was unforgettable. If I could, I would gladly pay another thirty thousand rands to fly back!

However, there is so much locally that demands financial attention, not limited to my 2 Land Rovers (1 x Discovery and 1 x Freelander - Turbo Diesel) and the Renault Clio bought so that my daughter can learn to drive it. The bulk of even my tiny Freelander is imposing in traffic. Both are automatic and my Freelander is cruise controlled - both not great to learn to drive as gearchanges (and hill starts) are NO problem, and you dont even need to watch your speed - get up to speed and switch to cruise control and up hill and down dale, you maintain a constant speed. I love it, but for a learner, it can be disconcerting! Christine has not yet driven Ladybug (my Freelander) and has driven my Disco. She loves "La Frog" (French so Hello!) although she insists on calling her "Chloe" - apparently Mom has persuaded her that she is dislexic (hyper active, ADD, Asthmatic and a whole lot more!) so she calls my Clio, "Chloe" I refuse point blank to allow her to think she is dislexic! If she mixes words up unintentionally, how can she want to be a surgeon? I would hate to be operated on, and find my spleen has been removed, instead of my appendix, just because the surgeon happens to think she is dislexic! That assumes that she can pass the exams necessary to be a doctor!

At school, I was a bright cookie, and was always 3rd in a bright class - and I worked hard - but even I am of a Chartered Accountant brilliance, not surgeon intelligence! I got 4 "A" Level subject passes, enough to study at University in the UK if I wanted to do so! As far as I can see, the first qualification exams you sit in SA, are Matric, that is more or less equivalent to "O" Levels. "A"s are a further 2 years intensive study, and definitely follow on from "O" Levels! I have a university degree, an honors degree and a post honors qualification, so I KNOW the effort required to be qualified! I also know that it is not a walk in the park, unlike the impression that my ex seems to be giving my daughter! Who will be around to pick up the pieces of broken dreams? That is not something that I relish, but suspect it will be left up to me. Poor little me? I cannot claim to be poor, not with 2 four by four (automatic) Landys and a Clio! I still officially own a Porsche also, although that is up for sale at present!

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