Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lifes Problems

Computers are supposed to create a paperless, stress free lifestyle! I have found that they actually do the exact opposite! If I did not have a computer, I could not update my blog and keep friends up-to-date with what heppens to me and what I feel about it!

At Church, I am on the Elders Quorum Presidency, and the main computer linked to Salt Lake keeos on spitting up garbage! It is true, what is said "Computers operate exclusively on the GIGO principle - Garbage in, garbage out!" We find that listed on our membership records are members who have long since moved away from Zululand! Try as we may, we cannot get then transferred to the "lost file"! There is a family of members who I KNOW have moved to Johannesburg somewhere. I contacted them on Facebook, and only got abuse in return - and THEY requested that I be "friends". What sort of friend do they expect of me! I asked where they lived in Gauteng (it is a huge area) and they obviously dont want to be found! Their loss, not mine! What scares me most is that we transfer their records to the "lost file" - where they should be - but they will no doubt bounce back!

I also know where another less active member lives and works. Every time I try to get in touch with this lady, she seems friendly enough but is really not interested. Pity when I can see what she is missing in her life! It is painfully true what is said "You can lead a horse to water, but cannot make him drink!" Sad to see that no matter what we do, there are definitely people out there who are not interested.

I also know of members who need to go to the Temple and be sealed together as a family, for Eternity. I was sealed to my ex wife - and this sealing still practically stands, but since she demanded divorce, she has remarried - twice! there is no way that our sealing will be of effect in the Eternities! I do not think that Heavenly Father is vindictive! I imagine that I went through divorce as a learning curve, so that I can be of practical assistance in convincing members of the need to be endowed in the Temple and sealed to their families! I know that "learning curves" are often painful to go throug, but you need to actively learn, or risk being tested again - and again - until you learn! Disability once is often enough for me!

The words of a Reggae tune ring very true "Dont worry - be happy!"

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