Friday, February 25, 2011

Thoughts 2

On wednesday, I was asked what my blog address was. He (the asker) hinted that he has a wife with a friend who kind of rants when she gets onto Facebook. I just hope that what I blog is not ranting, although it is kind of me getting thoughts and feelings off my chest, since I have a speech impediment, and cannot always speak clearly. I was tested in hospital before the MVA court case, and they ascertained that the MVA accident had knocked a few points off of my IQ, but I know this is because I can no longer write quickly. It was not because I am mentally less able! In fact maybe I am more aware of where I am, and things that used to come as second nature (eg walking and breathing) are now not so easy to do! I find that sometimes I actually have to physically remember to take in breaths!

If my Primary School teachers could see my writing now, they would not have harped on how poor my handwriting was! They used to predict that with handwriting like mine, I was destined to be a doctor, a lawyer or a Chartered Accountant. How right they were!

Since I was so heavily stung by bees, I have stopped taking in sugar! Strange when I live where farming of sugarcane is a HUGE industry. This has meant that I have lost weight, down from size 44 longs. On wednesay, I fitted into my 2 remaining pairs of size 34 longs (not at the same time though!) I bought a pair of camoflaged jeans about a month ago, and they fitted me (kind of) but are now too large for me! I can see when I bathe that I can stand to lose a bit more weight, but it has slowed dramatically! Am I starving myself? I dont think so, but maybe I am!

When I was in a coma, I was fed by a drip. Then, I only took on what I needed to keep alive. I was unable to eat and even when I could, Hospital food hardly includes your average hamburgers and pizzas.

Around 15 years ago, I cleared out my closit and gave away around 12 pairs of nearly new size 34 longs, to the needy! Who would ever have thought I would be one of those who needed them?

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