Friday, February 4, 2011

Getting used to a new (to me) vehicle

I own a Landrover V8 Discovery Auto, a Landrover Freelander 2 litre, turbo diesel (also auto) AND a Renault Clio (5 speed manual). Getting used to each is a learning curve. I also own a Porsche 944, but it is on the car lot for sale! I really am not enough of a big shot to own and drive 4 cars!

Ladybug (my Freelander) is not only diesel (first non petrol car that I have owned - in 30 years of vehicle ownership) it is cruise controlled! She is definitely not great for Christine to learn to drive in! How much practice can you get if you accelerate up to speed, engage cruise control and take your feet completely off the pedals? Great when you know how to drive, but not so great when you are still learning!

I filled Ladybug today, and went to Empangeni and back on the sniff of an oilrag! My Discovery uses at least R 50 in fuel just to get to Empangeni but Ladybug probably used R 10 worth of fuel to get there AND back! That kind of makes up for sluggish acceleration, although the Turbo takes care of that in the main!

I was astonished that my Discovery did not come with cruise control, but a Freelander does! I have yet to take delivery of the Clio (La Frog) but I really doubt if that has cruise control - although maybe I'm mistaken on that count!

I am amazed that I never bought a Landrover before! My V8 is DIVINE to drive and so to is my Freelander! My Dad drove Landrovers when I was born - 50 years ago - and throughout his army career. He was less than impressed, but in the last 50 years, Landrover have come up with some amazing vehicles! I am sold on Landrovers now, even though I used to be a Toyota man! The last Toyota that I owned, literally nearly killed me! That was actually the car that ran me down when I was changeing the spare wheel!

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