Thursday, February 10, 2011

Facebook "friends"

I was requested on Facebook to be "friends" with someone whom I knew in Empangeni then Richards Bay! I sent a message asking whereabouts now she lives, and got a snotty response from her! Her comment was to the effect of "If that is how you want to be (in her words) "stuff it"! I ask you who says they want to be friends, but then says that they want nothing to do with you?

For all I care, she can hook up with my ex (Wicked Witch of the West!) and they can talk until they are blue in the face! The problem is that I know she lives somewhere in the largest city in Africa south of the Equator. She may just as easily have said on her profile as her address is Africa, or Southern Hemisphere! If that is how she wants to behave, then so be it! I likewise want nothing more to do with her!

I have often been requested to be "friends" on Facebook, and that is the only contact I ever have with "them"! Again, if that is how "they" want to be friends, I really dont want to know them! There is a difference between knowing they exist, and showing interest! Who gets satisfaction from knowing that they are "friends" with 450 people, who they do not actually have contact with!

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