Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Email warnings

Today I received a warning that bottled water is dangerous to our health! I personally believe that this falls into the same category as the warnings about Global Warming!

If we heed all of the warnings, our lives will not be very long anyway! Are we supposed to sue the bottlers of water because suddenly it is not healthy to drink bottled water? Sure we may not live longer, but if you are dying of thirst and hunger, it will sure seem to be a long time!

I believe that it is the medical fratenities aim to "cover their asses" by declaring that everything is bad for us! Then when we eventually suffer from cancer, they can say that when we were 4, we ate sweets, and this is why we have cancer now! 40 years ago, people actually lived - and died - a natural life, andit is only fairly recently that Man has become clever enough to find that things are cancer promoting! When will man stop believing that he has suddenly become so intelligent that he can influence our Creators plans! I sincerely believe that this is the influence of Satan to make man believe that he is suddenly so powerful as to eliminate the need for our Creator in our lives!

Maybe I'm getting old and cynical, but I believe what I feel prompted by the Spirit to believe. Heavens, Gods stated mission plan for man is that he may have joy, and Satan is trying to make us believe that we are destrying our environment and ourselves, and that we dont need to believe in our Creator!

I know that in Richards Bay, I am seen as a terrible person! I drive 2 really bad cars for the environment - a V8 Discovery or a turbo diesel Freelander. I defy anyone to tell me that they are worse for my environment than a Fiat Panda! When I go to the Game Reserve, I take 4 others in my Discovery, and the fact that it is one V8, is not as bad to the environment as 2 cars would otherwise be!

I am convinced that the last time I was in the Reserve at lunch, some creep slashed my tyre. I hope he can sleep well. Why would I be a detriment to the environment? I think that jealosy rules their actions!

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