Monday, October 31, 2011

Realisation - philosiphacal?

I know how I feel about Christine growing up, and know a bit of the pain - and joy - that Heavenly Father must feel about his creations - namely us as humans! I know that it is not fashionable to believe in a supreme being, but I feel that His existance is a surety. Why else do we have our own paradise that we live in - even if we choose to live in concrete jungles with millions of others, or to live in the quiet next to the ocean, where hours go past and no cars go past my home! It is plain that we all have agency to live where we choose to, but that this agency does not change the consequences of our choices! Some want the wealth of large cities, but then complain that there is too much smog and noise. That is some of the consequences that we cannot avoid in excercising our agency!

I know that sometimes we look back on our choices and feel remourse, but in choosing a course, we are bound in accepting the consequences - as unpleasant as they may be! I would rather live where I cannot hear traffic above the noise of the waves on the beach, and it kind of suits me! Is this too simple? Maybe - but I feel deep inside my soul that it is right!

I know now a bit more of the pain - and joy - of what my parents felt about my growing up. I let Christinec drive up to school in "Mme Chloe La Frog Killick" - big name for a tiny car, on Sunday. Sure I was apprehensive - especially as she was driving up the freeway between Durban and Johannesburg. The traffic on this route is quite heavy in places, and I wanted to protect Christine, but she called later that she had made the trip without hassles. I truly believe strongly that this was no accident (pun intended) because I was able to give her a Priesthood blessing of safety and comfort. Millions out there disclaim a supreme creator, but I feel in my soul that one is in control of our ultimate destiny!

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