Saturday, October 29, 2011

Time she does fly!

Last week, Christine passed her drivers test. She is now proud to be a licensed driver. It is somewhat great as she can now drive up to Mooi River herself!

She has taken over "La Frog" the french car in my collection of a French car, 2 British cars and 1 German car!

Yesterday she drove from Mtunzini to Richards Bay - a distance of 50 kilometers one way. She claimed to need to go shopping for beauty products. My ex was amazed as Richards Bay is 2 towns over - and can be busy!

I let Christine drive from school to Ballito. I kind of figure if I have to trust her to get to Mooi River on Sunday, I have to trust her with:-
My Landrover - in the mist and rain
La Frog on Sunday.

I am certain that if I get to give her a fathers Priesthood Blessing- as is my responsibility as a holder of the Higher Priesthood in the LDS Church, she can travel with heavenly protection. I know that many out there think that I am crazy to place my trust in a supreme being, but what is the alternative? Curl up and die? I was once a newly licensed driver, so I survived, Christine has a better than average chance of survival. Besides, I taught her to drive first - hopefully my concerns are less than if I had left it up to strangers - or even a worried ex wife! :-)

It honestly feels like yesterday when I held her for the very first time. I remember thinking then, "Sure she is cute but where is the Instruction Manual?" It is a case of directing a human life, on instinct and hoping to Heaven that you dont mess up royally. The way she drives, makes me think that I must have done something right! I freely put my hand up to trusting her more with Ladybug (my diesel 4x4) than I would trust my ex with my car!

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