Saturday, April 9, 2011

THEORY of evolution

Watching the programs on Satellite TV, I am astounded at how thinking modern man can preach things like "the THEORY of Evolution" as proven fact! Schools are absolutely convinced that theories proposed by Darwin are indesputable fact - as if they hold more water than the "fact" that the world was created, and has not evolved from pond slime! Sure the one requires faith as a proponent, but neither is more plausible than the other! Sure they claim that there is indesputable proof that evolution is fact, but I question how much of this "proof" is not just a happy coincidence as "proof" of the thoughts of some reknown person! Sure Hitler had a theory that the Jewish population should not exist and that has since been discounted. Sure when he was a young man, there were many who believed in what he said, enough to give up their lives if necessary! That does not make his theories any more valid. Why then is the "theory" of evolution taught in schools and universities as absolute indisputable fact? Surely I have the inalienable right to believe that we are created, not just evolved from pond scum! The intillectual community believes that it is impossible to create the world in 6 days as described in the bible, but that depends entirely on how long a "day" was when the world was created. Even now, a day (sun up to sun up) on the moon is not 24 hours! If you grew up on the moon, then came to earth, the length of a day (sunrise to sunrise) would be strange to you! What gives Man the right to think that he is the pinnacle of thought and emotion - on the pinnacle of perfection in the universe? What gives Man the right to think that he is suddenly (last few thousand years) has become so incredibly powerful as to defeat a creator's plans? I am convinced that "Global Warming" is likewise, a theory. If you believe that the earth has survived an ice age, surely we have globally warmed up since then? What then is the current news that this winter is going to be the coldest one in living memory? Are we warming up, or cooling down? Some scientists appear to be looking at isolated incidents as proof that we are globally warming - or if you dont believe that we are. We are headed for the coldest winter in recorded history, or are globally warming! Whichever is true, some scientists will claim it as absolute proof that their "theories" are correct! Those on the correct side of the fence MUST have a "proven" theory, even if their theory opposes those on the other side of the fence! No matter what happens, someone MUST be proven correct! I rather like my own "theory" that at the coast in Kwa Zulu Natal, a 4x4 is the absolute best vehicle to own - not to drive on the beaches, but I do like a 4x4 in the Game Reserves! A Landrover (Discovery or even a Freelander) is way better (far more comfortable) than is a pickup (Bakkie), apart from a bakkie being a bench seat in the cab, holding a maximum of 3 people, and my Landrovers (even the small Freelander) capable of seating 2 in the front, 3 in the back seat and at a push, a further person can sit in the very back portion.

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