Along the N2 freeway past Esikhawini is (was) a series of low hills. Over the other side is the sea. About a decade ago, someone discovered that the hills are alive with the sound of cash ringing through the bank account! The sand contains high proportions of "heavy minerals" - the same as they mine on the beaches out in Richards Bay. When the waves wash up the beach and retret, they leave a deposit of black "stuff" that is collected up and smelted down. Richards Bay Minerals has for decades being smelting this mineral into Iron and Titanium. Someone cdiscovered that the hills are crammed full of this raw material and the hills here have been reduced to very low hills, and are vanishing fast! Who says that Man cannot move mountains? This is living proof that it CAN ne done, although I am convinced that the desire for wealth moves slower than can the power of our Creator.

Observe! - I have put Blondie (yellow Porsche) onto the market. To make it more desireable, I have gotten a panelbeater to work on the front sill (below the numberplate) and it looks great now! Pity is that I cannot really justify owning Blondie (the Porsche), La Frog (Renault for Christine to drive), Ladybug (my diesel Landrover) and Big Sister (my Discovery V8)
At the moment, someone from Durban is interested in swapping his Audi Turbo for Blondie! That is amazing, since Blondie is NZ registered now, NUF (Empangeni) registered before that, then ND (Durban) before that, and initially was Transvaal (T) registered before that.
Big Sister (my V8) was formerly NUF registered, as the farmer owner lives out at Felixton - a farming community about 20 kilometers (16 miles) outside of Empangeni. Ladybug (Turbo diesel) has always been NZ registered and La Frog was formerly NP (Pietermaritzburg) registered.
I am headed for big things at Church. My Elders Quorum President has temporarily decided to serve a mission in the Johannesburg Temple. Whilst he is away until the end of May, I am "promoted" from being First Counsellor to the acting Elders Quorum President! That kind of leaves me as 2IC to the branch, behind the Branch President! I know that I can do the calling - but it is still scary having so much POWER! (more than all of my cars put together!)
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