Friday, April 27, 2012


I have a problem at my branch of the LDS Church, where one member in particular is judging me without knowing the background! She sees that because I drive 2 4x4 Landrovers, that I MUST be wealthy enough to run around and do her will. It is not so bad, except she expects me to go out of my way, and collect less active members who show no gratitude for the efforts shown to them!

They seem to believe that because they are natives, the rich Mhlungu (me) must just go out of his way to drag them kicking and screaming to Church. The way I see it is that everyone has their agency (rigt of choice) - they have agency to come to Church, and I have agency to collect them! What bugs me most is that I am expected to go out of my way to collect them, and am supposed to be grateful to thm for getting into my car!

At Church the one member glares at me because I did not arrive at Church late, just so the less affluent members could not be bothered to be ready on time!

Drives me insane that this member has judged me as affluent enough to readily waste my time, effort and money in collecting members who clearly dont wish to be at Church! That is kind of insulting to me! Try and do good, be brushed off because of it, then be judged as unchristian because I dont go all out and drag less actives to Church at gunpoint!

What gets to me most is that this member has taken upon herself the rights belonging to the branch Judge-in-Israel, despite she being ineligible.

It is not easy being a senior member, and seeing that errors are propogated.

I had a member of another branch in the District, who was joking (I hope) that because I own 4 cars, I had to give him one of them - his choice! Furthermore he said that because he could not afford a car, I was required to fill his choice of my chariots with fuel, and maintain them - when HE wanted me to! This member is a new member and it is not easy to tell him that he is sinning in at least 2 areas:-

Coveting anothers blessings AND
Judging him that he will willingly impart of his substance to the less fortunate!

I have a friend who has openly said "You only need 1 vehicle, so sell 3!" without considering that maybe I WANT 2 Landrovers. My Porsche is up for sale and my Clio has been attached by my daughter! Who is anyone to think that they have the right to judge that I only need 1 car! What is wrong that I choose to excercise my agency daily in which vehicle I want to drive?

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