Friday, April 27, 2012


I have a problem at my branch of the LDS Church, where one member in particular is judging me without knowing the background! She sees that because I drive 2 4x4 Landrovers, that I MUST be wealthy enough to run around and do her will. It is not so bad, except she expects me to go out of my way, and collect less active members who show no gratitude for the efforts shown to them!

They seem to believe that because they are natives, the rich Mhlungu (me) must just go out of his way to drag them kicking and screaming to Church. The way I see it is that everyone has their agency (rigt of choice) - they have agency to come to Church, and I have agency to collect them! What bugs me most is that I am expected to go out of my way to collect them, and am supposed to be grateful to thm for getting into my car!

At Church the one member glares at me because I did not arrive at Church late, just so the less affluent members could not be bothered to be ready on time!

Drives me insane that this member has judged me as affluent enough to readily waste my time, effort and money in collecting members who clearly dont wish to be at Church! That is kind of insulting to me! Try and do good, be brushed off because of it, then be judged as unchristian because I dont go all out and drag less actives to Church at gunpoint!

What gets to me most is that this member has taken upon herself the rights belonging to the branch Judge-in-Israel, despite she being ineligible.

It is not easy being a senior member, and seeing that errors are propogated.

I had a member of another branch in the District, who was joking (I hope) that because I own 4 cars, I had to give him one of them - his choice! Furthermore he said that because he could not afford a car, I was required to fill his choice of my chariots with fuel, and maintain them - when HE wanted me to! This member is a new member and it is not easy to tell him that he is sinning in at least 2 areas:-

Coveting anothers blessings AND
Judging him that he will willingly impart of his substance to the less fortunate!

I have a friend who has openly said "You only need 1 vehicle, so sell 3!" without considering that maybe I WANT 2 Landrovers. My Porsche is up for sale and my Clio has been attached by my daughter! Who is anyone to think that they have the right to judge that I only need 1 car! What is wrong that I choose to excercise my agency daily in which vehicle I want to drive?

Monday, April 23, 2012

My foot

The left foot - looking down at them - has been giving me grief lately. Apparently the muscles along one side are stronger than the other side, so I have been walking on the side of my foot! Apparently the heel is distorted by the muscles and this has caused the problem.

Xrays showed that the bone structure is sound but that the muscles are distorting my heel. The surgeon rekons that to sort out the problem, they need to fuse the bones in my heel - allowing me to raise and lower my toes, but the sideways movement will be eliminated!

As far as I am aware, this fusing of the bones will be acomplished by inserting steel rods in my heel.

Nett result is that my mere presence will set off alarms at Departures in airports and in banks. Still, if that is what it takes, then so be it!

With my tattoo, the artist is of the opinion that he needs to add some purple to the swalows wings - where they cover the scar tissue - and redo the black outline! I can get this done maybe on Wednesday or Thursday, depending on when I need to collect my orthotic inserts for my shoes! These will counteract the strange pull my muscles are having on my foot, before the surgeon gets to do his fusing act!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Writers Blog

I dont post as much as I used to, mainly because I often cannot always get a strong signal on my wireless modem. It ranges between a single bar of GPRS or 2 bars of 3G - which is a really strong signal. I live below the line of sight of our cellphone tower, but when connection to that is not easy, I pick up the tower in Port Durnford.

I know that traditionally Port Durnford is seen as in the same class as Soweto outside Johannesburg - unsafe at the best of times but suicide to visit after sunset!

I have no problem with being there, and acknowlege that it may not be safe if you drive a highly risky car - attractive to hijackers - but I hardly believe that a V8 Discovery is high risk - R 1 200 to fill the tank from empty -  or my Freelander - R 800 to fill from empty. The average hijacker is dirt poor and to fill and run a Landrover is kind of impossible for them.

I was kind of stunned recently that I was warned that if you are stopped by the traffic authorities, they check that you have a set of reflective triangles in the car! If you break down, you are supposed to put these out so that other drivers can see a warning sign just before they plough into a white car! I am just amazed that if you are rammed on the road, you are not imprisonned - or fined - if you dont make an attempt to brake the car that rams you! That is kind of an unreasonable thought, but it is apparent that most drivers tend to drive way too close behind me! I have even had 2 signs laminated for the rear windows of my Landrovers, aying "I'm not driving too slowly! It's called the speed limit!"because when I am driving the speed limit, I am by a really long way, the slowest vehicle on the road!

I have bought sets of triangles for each of my vehicles. I dont think that I will be checked, but if I am, I am in the clear! I only found out by accident because my neighbor wanted to borrow a set, and I loaned him the set from my Ventertjie - a comon make of luggage trailer.

I do want to find out if it is possible to put a rooftop tent on the trailer, since I am not easily able to put one on top of my landrovers. That would come in handy if I ever wanted to drive way off road and visit Mocambique.

My computer has just done something wierd! It located an "orphan" file (what that means is a mystery) but in cleaning up the file, it deleted the file and I have not experienced the usual problem that I have of my modem dropping the Internet connection. I hope it is a lasting "fix" and I will not suffer dropped connections again!

I have a kind of problem at the moment!
My left foot on Monay was terribly swollen and tender. The GP could not find any influencing problem so prescribed an anti inflammatory to reduce the swelling. Even though it is no longer swollen, it is still very tender. It feels like somehow I have managed to break one of the bones in my foot. I will go back on tuesday and he can assess it again, although it may require vme to drive through to Empangeniand have an Xray. I am tempted though to go to the Bay Hospital, as i feel that there they will if necessary, put it in a cast that is not made from Plaster of Paris. When I had  a cast made for my elbow, they used a type of plastic, that I could take off to bath - it is easy enough to mould one that can be taken off to bath!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The way things are

In plain old "never changes" Mtunzini, things are definitely changeing!

The doctors have relocated from the house that was the medical centre some 300 meters down the hill to where the chemist used to conduct business - the Raphia Centre. They have practiced from here for at least the last 2 decades.

The chemist had moved up the hill to a spot between the new bottle store franchise (kind of always was a bottle store owned by the people across the lane from me!) and the Spar Store. The 2 doctors in the village  were operating from their homes, and decided to start consulting from a house opposite to the centre where a restaurant has opened.

Kind of shows that things are always changeing!

Ever since we have lived in the village (way to small to be a town - thankfully!) there have been mainly houses stretched around an area from the prison (only one that I know has sea views from most cells) to the Country Club. Not so long ago, the farmer between the country club and the Umlalazi Lagoon sold off his farm to developers who cut the area up into incredibly expensive plots and a new suburb is growing up. True the multi million rand homes overlook Port Durnford (an area of low cost housing) but the draw of water frontage has drawn "big bucks!"

With this development, the strangle hold that the local Spar outlet has had on food prices is looking like it is waning fast!

I was stunned the last time I went up to the nearby Game Rerserves, to see that a hotel in Mtubatuba has been replaced by a Pick and Pay development. Like the local Spar, the traders in Mtubatuba operated along the lines of "If you want to save money on groceries, shop in Empangeni - or Richards Bay!"

Even in Empangeni the local Greek cafe owner (very rich but he dresses like a pauper!) has opened yet another new Spar store ((SuperSpar) and because he is open from 7 am till 9 pm, he charges a bomb for stuff, and gets away with it! When I first came to Empangeni, he owned a really scruffy Spar in a run down bulding. That burned down and he relocated just down the hill to a bigger building. He then built Central Park, with Spar as the key tennant, and has now built a brand new mall. He has been moving further and further down the hill towards Richards Bay.

I see that at the junction of the John Ross highway (into Richards Bay from Empangeni) and the N3 freeway down the coast, construction has started on a small factory development. The other side of the John Ross (the farm land between Empangeni and Esikhawini, has been slated to be eventually dredged and the harbour extended up to the N2 freeway! That is going to be a tremendous boost to the economy of the area.