Thursday, February 16, 2012


WWoW (Wicked Witch of the West - my ex!) has announced that she is getting the wheels in motion to get our sealing annulled. She hoped that this news would not sress me. She has found out from her Bishop, that our daughter has been sealed to me and if she breaks our sealing it will not affect this sealing to my daughter!

The way this was explained to me 2 decades ago, is:-

I am sealed directly to my children
Michele was then sealed only for as long as she was sealed to me
The only way this link with Christine is for me to institute these proceedings.

That is just the way things work!

I have developed an eye infection (conjunctivitis) - it really bugs me that I am so seldom ill, that when I am, it is really annoying! I have been to get eye drops, and they seem to be working!

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