Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Climate Change signs

There has just been a program on DSTV where Simon Reeve of the BBC has gone on about "climate change"! He came across a group of people in Egypt who were "forced" to leave their homes by the ongoing drought!

What a shocker - a drought! - in the desert? As far as I am aware, it has not exactly rained much in Egypt since the time of the Pharoes - or in the last 4 millennia! Proof that the climate is changeing? I hardly think so.

Satan is having a field day in promoting hysteria that Man - in his ignorance - is changing the climate in the world? People are making a financial killing out of mass hysteria that there is a "drought" in Sudan and Egypt! What then of the "Global Warming" since the supposed "ice age"!

Am I supposed then to throw a fit that there is "global warming" because of the absolute proof that it does not snow in Zululand - a lot? There are places in Zululand where it actually regularly does snow, but it has not - in living memory - snowed (white snow) in Mtunzini. Sure it has "snowed" with Zululand Snow, the smuts from cane fires that falls from the sky when the surperfulous leaves are burnt off before the cane is harvested!

I am kind of glad that in summer, it gets really warm here, and there is often, no discernable winter! In winter, our minimum temperatures are regularly higher than the maximum teperatures recorded in Johannesburg! Is this evidence of "climate change?" I defy anyone to claim that it is!

Sure the local climate there has been adjusted on the shores of places like Lake Kariba or the Aswan Dam. Is this due to human intervention? Sure it is, but the irrigation and hydro electric power created, is maybe worth a minor - localised - alteration to the local climate! A huge body of water MUST (surely) moderate the climate in that cold is kind of warmed up and the heat of summer is steadied - but this is only evident in a really small environment around the lakes themselves!

Does that mean that I am crazy? I hardly care, since - as they say in the westerns - I am "comfortable in my own skin!" I can observe others (I have the time!) and I can see that they are not comfortable in their skins! I may be crazy, but I am glad that I am not like them!

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