I started my blogging where I posted many blogs. Lately it seems that I have little or no free time to rant! Looks like I have to set aside time every few days to blog again.
This last week, I was notified by my cellular provider that my one cell contract - that I use exclusively for data transfer - needs upgrading. I went in to investigate what is available on upgrade and I have a really wide choice of machines. I opted for a Samsung Tablet instead of a second Blackberry. The benefit is a 10 inch screen. I have found that a Tablet would serve me really well in my Church callings as District Council member AND as 1st counsellor on the Port Durnford Branch Presidency. The main benefit is that I can save things like the LDS scriptures, my Leadership manuals and past editions of the Churrch magazine to computer, to be used in meetings and preparing Sacrament talks! The camera it replaces is only used to SMS and can be set up to Email, not to make voice calls, so it should be no problem that I have to change from a call contract to a data contract! The other thing that stunned me was that I get 1 Gig a month voice contact, but have to change it to a 2 Gig/month data contract! Am I glad that there is technology has changed from when I left school, to where devices are available to make your life significantly more bearable. My ex wife cannot see this, but that HAS to be her cross to bear!
I enjoy being able to talk on behalf of the District Council as it is some 2 decades since I was run over and it is by the grace of a loving God that I can speak louder than a whisper. I still really battle to breathe in the industrial air of Richards Bay! There my diaphram reacts really badly to the polluted fallout from factories like the Mondi papermill, Alusaf (aluminium smelting) and other industry! I find in the Bay, I can breathe properly for the first half an hour, then the pollution gets to my spastic diaphram, and I cannot breathe. I realised long back that if you cannot breathe properly, you have a snowballs hope on the beach, of speaking well. I am so fortunate to live where there is an almost constant clean sea breeze.
It can be really frustrating to realise that something that I did so effortlessly growing up, is now a strain! Speech (free and easy) and unhindered movement are 2 of the things that I miss so much from BC (Before Crash) I realise that my physically changed body is a huge reason that my ex wife decided that she was better off without me! She does not realise that I am doing my best to cope wih disability (with the assistance of drugs) I realise that the MVA accident changed me, and she could not cope with the change from fit and completely healthy to disabled. I cope (I think) because I have to, not because it is seen to be the correct thing!
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