Friday, November 23, 2012


I was looking at the statistics of my blog. It amazed me that there were so many page views from Russia!

I watched the series "Long Way Round" as well as "Trabant Trek", and I am kind of deflated that a visit to Russia appears to be somewhat of an impossibility. Often also the USA series of "The Amazing Race" shows like the other 2 travel shows that it gets really cold for much of the year in Russia.

2 things have made me and cold incompatible:-

      1. Where I was damaged in my fight with an out of control articulated truck, my joints are affected
      2. Where my heel was recently operated on, gets extremely sore in temperatures of less than 18
          degrees celsius

For some reason, where the bones were broken or cut, the reasulting injury never seems to heal completely, especially where the muscle mass has been disturbed.

That being said, Russia appears to be attractively wild! I rather enjoy the wilds although my experience first hand is limited.

I love the wilds of Africa - since that is where I have always lived.
I experienced the wilds in America - around Los Angeles and Salt Lake City
I saw the rather tame wilds in England when I was driven between London, Manchester and Blackpool.

That also is a concern in that I realise that having been stung by thousands of bees, I am deathly allergic to bee stings. I was informed that my blood has converted the venom into anti venom. 1 sting and all of these will swing into action to counteract the venom of 1 sting and since there are so many that will not be used, it will be just as if another few thousand have stung me! The effect will be the same, in that the anti venoms will act just like venoms - and without urgent attention, mybody will shut down. Fancy being deathly allergic to yourself?

I do carry emergency vials of adrenelin and a syringe. I understand that this postpones the effects of a bee sting for around an hour, but then I urgently need medical assistance!

One thing that I am sure of, is that this allergy is not hereditary. My nephew in LA was stung by a bee and like his Dad - my younger brother - his face swelled alarmingly. My allergy is from MASSIVE amounts of venom, and that only comes from being stung so much!

Stragest thing is that I turned 51 before I became allergic. My brother was stung once when he was maybe 10, and he reacted badly, although it was not so serious that he needed to see the doctor! I was in the ICU unit of the nearest hospital for 4 days.

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