Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The way things are

Life here is interesting to say the least. The delivery drivers wanted more pay so they all went on strike. Consequently the delivery of fuel country wide was disrupted. I heard there were rumblings so I refuelled both of my Landrovers beforehand. Now I attend Church in Port Durnford, that gave me around 3 months of fuel. The fuel delivery drivers threatened to strike for 6 months if they had to, but 3 weeks with no pay, they decided to accept the offer of 10% increase. They are not ediucated enough to realise that they messed up the economy for 3 weeks, all for 1.5% increase, The way I see it is, 1 day without pay (official that no work = no pay (no strike pay either!) they are massively behind the curve. They will NEVER recover the wages they gave up. They do not think of higher taxes, higher costs at the supermarket till and everything that goes with higher wages. If they were getting any pay, they would receive less than they used to!

I have been blessed to move from Richards Bay branch, to Port Durnford branch. Now Church is virtually within spitting distance, not 120 kilometers a week round trip away! Since the strike, I have used less than a quarter (WAY less) of a tank of fuel in my V8 Discovery and a quarter of a tank of diesel in my Freelander.

Port Durnford branch is mainly a Black membership branch. There is no other way to "politically correcvtly" say that. I dont believe that they see much difference in colour to us "mhlungu's"

It makes no sense to me that the darker USA citizens claim to be "African Americans"! Does that mean that the native races of Africa need to claim to be "African Africans!" The government of SA had a series of court sanctioned operations - "Reconciliation" - to get to the causes of displeasure after Apartheid and to resolve the differences. Now everyone born in Africa (like me and my members) are South Africans, even though I was born in Southern Rhodesia. I was born there before it was called Rhodesia, and I left Zimbabwe for a better life in SA!

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